Here’s the thing - we’re doctors. We went through a rigorous doctorate program and our specialization is the neuro-musculoskeletal system. We’ve also furthered our education post-grad in pregnancy, postpartum, pediatrics, cranial and kinesiology… we know some things.
But we don’t know everything.
A bug made its way through our house and each of our four kids temperature rose for about a day - showing that their body was doing the appropriate things to fight it off - and then recovered after that.
Well, almost all of them. One of our daughters had the elevated temp that returned to baseline, but she just wasn’t herself - she didn’t have an appetite, was extremely tired, didn’t even feel up to playing Legos for long. We did an evaluation and decided to take her to our family doctor.
We explained what was going on with her and that we suspected an underlying infection because she wasn’t healing and responding as expected; we could tell something was off. We agreed bloodwork would give us more information so that was our next step.
When the bloodwork came in, our doctor said the most surprising thing you me: “your mom gut was right.”
It shouldn’t have been surprising.
Even though I don’t have the specific medical background our doctor has, and even if I didn’t have my doctorate and my decade of experience in practice, I’m still an expert in something… my child.
Because I listened to that voice in my head that said we needed to get more information, because we have a doctor who recognizes the value of a parent’s insight into their own child, we were able to get answers and appropriate support.
So in case you have a provider, someone in your life, or even the voice of doubt in your own mind telling you otherwise…
Please know, your mom gut is right.✨
